12:31PM October 6, 2012


Tell me I’m being paranoid. 

Everyone else left to go to a birthday party and I stayed home by myself. Trying to get some work done to prepare for next week’s craziness. Of course my hands wont stop shaking now. Not so easy to type with M.S. And a batch of the heebie jeebies piled on top.

The kid’s trampoline is in the side yard underneath my studio window. I looked out over the yard and after a couple of seconds I saw them. There were only a couple, which is pretty normal being that we live out here in the boonies. Nothing out of the ordinary really. Until my eyes adjusted to the sunlight glaring through the glass.

At first I thought it was a bunch of twigs and broken leaves blowing around in the breeze until I noticed that none of the trees on the other side of the yard were moving at all. Everything stood peaceful and still other than the twitching brown and yellow insects on the tightly stretched round black canvas. My studio windows are down low so I had to lean close to the floor and squint. The bees were flopping around on the trampoline like my kids do when they’re jumping. The few still up in the air darted back and forth and upward and slantways. Some slammed into each other falling to the grass below.

Not cool.

I thought about calling 911, but what would I say?

“Help. There are parasitic zombie fly larvae eating bees from the inside out in my backyard?”

Yeah. They’d send a squad car right over. I got a bridge to sell ya too.

the Key to everything



boxes reviews and short stories oh my!

ImageHere I am, still crawling out from under this ginormous pile of cardboard and packing tape.  The Internet service provider came by for the third time this week to get us up and running again yesterday (so far so good knockonwood!).  And now I’m sitting in the storage room that will hopefully one day become a comfortable place to work typing letters on a screen that might just allow me to post on line.?! (I’m not sure what my heart feels that last sentence requires at the end, so pick your favorite one and run with it)

I buried myself into the ones and zeroes yesterday to attempt a game of catch-up on everything in the virtual world of news/blogs/books/music/news/memes/and lol’s.  Apparently some guy named Tom and his much younger wife named Katy are breaking up?  Whew! If that’s all I missed I don’t feel so left out. 

Then I checked my email.  Apparently there are some things going on in the world of Alex that I’m pretty excited about!  Thought I’d share with you all in case you wanna know…

First is that the great folks over at FrontRowLit have given my book and myself some great space for pluggage.  Please stop by and take a look at http://frontrowlit.com/?p=2485

AND it just became official last night that Black Lantern Publishing is going to be featuring my short story “Josephine” in the August issue of their monthly magazine!  You can visit them at http://www.blacklanternpublishing.com/ I will send out more information about the issue and how to get your eyes on a copy as the release date looms closer!

As of now, that’s all the news fit to blog for me.  Off to make lunch for the kids and walk the dog and do the dishes and make the beds and take a nap and (maybe) do some writing…


Get your copy of “the Key to everything” at…







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Follow me on Twitter at… #twodoggarage

or on Facebook… http://www.facebook.com/alexkimmell

My incredible publishers at Booktrope… http://www.booktrope.com/book/the-key-to-everything/

We arrived at our new house today, boxes in hand and screwdriver at the ready to build the kids beds. I wasn’t expecting a present waiting on the front steps. Yes indeed, the first case of my book “the Key to everything” is here!

It’s a very strange feeling. A mixture of elation, terror, pride, confusion (did I really write all those words?) and an overwhelming sensation of incompleteness. Because writing the damn thing wasn’t enough, now I’ve got to convince people they want to read it. Now is when the work really starts!

I know the ebook has been out for a few weeks, but there is something different about the feel of real paper in your hands. The smell of binding. The way the glossy cover reflects the light from the ceiling. Placing the book up on the shelf between other well worn tomes by authors I deeply respect and admire and staring at it. Just staring.

It’s a fantastic feeling. I intend to savor it until at least tomorrow when the pitching continues. Screw that! Here’s a pitch right now!

Go get “the Key to everything” at:








Time to crack open a cold one and read a few pages!

Follow me on twitter @twodoggarage

running away with me


Moving.  Moving into a new house.  Climbing unfamiliar stairs with heavy boxes of books and the occasional drum case.  Looking down between unsteady M.S. feet breath catching in my throat.  Did I see something there?  Nah.  My overactive imagination runs away with me.  Hot and humid upstairs.  Windows closed because it might rain.  Sweat stings my eyes.

Glow in my new office is strange.  Glass down low on the wall near the floor allows the sun to come in from an odd angle.  Dramatically slanted ceiling reflects the rays back down against the hard wood floor.  Brown blur shoots across one small window stopping in the next.  I don’t want to look.  I look.  The bird stares at his new neighbor blinking small black eyes.  It flies away to find food for the babies in her nest on the tree across the yard. 

I’m frightened, thrilled and sad all at the same time.  I struggle against the images running through my mind of distorted rodents, mysterious keyholes and a garden covered in blueprints.  Why do I do this to myself?  I guess the mind runs in the directions it chooses no matter the consequence of thought. 

I should write a cheeky love story next.

follow me on twitter: @twodoggarage

find “the Key to everything” at:



My first guest blog!

Posting a blog about a blog on my blog…

The awesome MaryAnn Kempher has graciously put up a guest blog on her site about “the Key to everything”! Take a look when you get a chance and give her some good posting love.


Thanks MaryAnn!

those things…


What a way to start the week! 

This morning my oldest son sang with his class for the end of the school year.  It’s strange hearing all of these kids sing along with artists that I grew up loving so much.  I feel so sentimental.  Everything is all mush inside, in a good way of course.

When we got home I flipped on the computer with him and we sang along with some more songs together.  When he got tired of Dad hangin’ around too much I got to spakling some holes in the walls from nails.  I turned on the t.v. and “The Princess Bride” was on.  Could it be more sentimental?

I’m promoting my disturbing and nightmare inducing new book.  It crawled from deep recesses in my darkest places.  Black guy liner, trench coats and doc martins dude is where I should be.  Right?  Instead I’m box of tissue, prince storming the castle to save the beautiful princess, proud of my kids growing up dad. 

Maybe that’s why I write the things I do.  They’re definitely a part of me.  I think they’re a part of all of us.  The things that make us pull the covers over our heads at night.  The shapes we see in the black shadows out of the corner of our eyes.  The proverbial things that go bump in the night. 

We love those things.  I love those things.  Those things help us feel safe.  Those things make us hold our dreams and desires closer.  Those things help us find our need to protect.  Those things build up our armor.  We need those things to be terrifying enough to find the courage to open ourselves to the things we love. 

Those things that creak across the window on a stormy night send us flying with primal urgency to the cradle to check on our children, our dreams, our loves.  Those things are in all of us.  We are those things…sometimes more often than we’d like to admit.

If you’d like to read my book “the Key to everything”, head on over to my publisher’s website at http://www.booktrope.com/book/the-key-to-everything/ .  While there you can read through the entire thing for free!

If you’d like to read my book “the Key to everything”, if those things scare you enough, you can pick up your own copy at: 

for your Kindle or Paperback at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008C4DY04


for your Nook at http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-key-to-everything-alex-kimmell/1111588353?ean=2940014704410